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December '99
November '99
August '99
July '99
June '99

 Monthly Astrolight Insights Archives

Astrolight Insights

The Solar Eclipse of August 11th marked the availability of energy
for conscious creativity. And what is it we are creating? Why, the future,
of course, as we have always been doing. However, now we can do it
consciously, awake and aware of the help, the hindrance, and the role of
the "self." We are changing our center of focus from lower self to Higher
Self, from selfish to unselfish, from alone to united with others of like

Today Mercury joins Chiron. We can talk about the journey of
healing from recognition of our personal wounds deep within to honoring the help we have received by helping others still trapped in the dark.
With Sun, Pluto, Chiron and Mercury in Sagittarius it is all too
easy to philosophize right now. We have been setting goals in order to
transform our lives so that we can fully participate in the healing
opportunities that will eventually allow us to hear and see the truth,
clearly and accurately, as it is unfolding all around us.

Tossed around in the night by the forces and pressure of the
Mars/Uranus conjunction at 14 degrees Aquarius, which peaked in the wee
hours of the morning, Tuesday, December 14th, we have finally awakened,
ready to share our amazement or confusion about the activity of our inner
genius, and enlightening realizations with anyone who will listen. The
stress of this conjunction becomes evident, when we find everyone else in a
similar state, exploding in one way or another with new found power, not at
all receptive at this time of high energy release.

Can we keep our awareness of the incoming guidance as we explode
with desires and activity for attainment on one level or another?
Watch out when Jupiter in Aries goes direct on the 20th of December
at 6:47 AM, giving our belief systems an enthusiastic shove into action.
That action can be self-righteous and judgmental or conscious of
harmonizing with the evolutionary plan for humanity, the planet, and all
the living substance of the universe. Depending on where we place that
first step out, we will be determining our group, or associations and our
future in light and love or whatever.

We celebrate The Winter Solstice when the Sun Goes into Capricorn
at 11:44 Pm on the 21st of December. The Moon goddess graces the
celebration the following morning at 9:31 AM, when the moon in Cancer
becomes full, bringing the protection we each can use while we struggle
alone to hold our center in this time of personal testing during the
darkest day of the year. Find and honor your Teacher and Guide within the
Light With the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Scorpio at the
Millennium, Y2K will help us take responsibility for becoming conscious and active in this seriously creative process. 

We, who can remain calm and centered on the joy, celebrating the Presence, grateful for the gifts of knowledge, truth, forgiveness and unconditional love, will harmonize with the enlightening vibratory rate of the planet, as together we expand to physically manifest the new dimensions of our collective Being, coaxed, as we are by the Mother of the World, to be all that we can be. 

Join hands for the ride. Let's celebrate the gifts, guidance and
protection that is in Be-ness and has always been kept in place for us by
the Hierarchy of Great Beings, Magnetic Heart Beings, Mother Beings,
Planetary Beings, Galactic Beings, Light Beings, Sacred Source Beings,
Cosmic Seed Beings, Being-ness, Who love us and have planned well for our glorious and continuous evolution.

For a unique translation of your personal birth message, call Pearl
at 509-747-7367, e-mail:, or check the web site: 

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Astrolight Insights

The Solar Eclipse of August 11th has made the energy available for the
transformation of consciousness. We can now create as we were created.
On the 11th of November a Neptunian energy, stored in the
Record-Keepers Crystals hidden under Ayers Rock, was released, bathing our planet in new light and hope, as a wave of warm Chinook winds comforted us for two days. The grace, glory and spiritual merit of the Lemurian times has been released to assist us in our spiritual refinement. We receive the gift of sensitivity to invisible energies and beings impelling us by their own transcendent movement to purify and release all that is now forgiven, and to take hope and heart in gratitude for the preparations already made for us.

The Full Moon in Gemini at 5 Am on the 23rd of November brings us
to the full blown issue of direction. To know our direction we must have
our priorities straight. We must recognize the forces of greater Beings
which impel us toward a higher state of consciousness on our evolutionary
path as well as the forces of lesser beings within us that create
resistance to that movement.

With the Sun entering Sagittarius on the 22nd at 10:26 am, we
become conscious of the help and harmony available to us from friends,
teachers and invisible beings that inspire and assist us by their own
generation of light and striving force toward transcendental manifestation
by the path of the Higher Mind. We also become aware of what we have grown beyond and to what or whom we must give back in gratitude. We must take a position as the hunted or the hunter, to be hunted by the forces which demand us to change or to be seekers of conscious harmonization with the flow of our Guiding Lights, refining and enlightening our path.

The eclipse of Mercury over the Sun on the 15th of November comes
to fruition on the 24th when Mercury is stationery, as it turns to go
direct. The news is out. we must share our personal messages of
transformation, accomplished during this Scorpionic cycle of the Sun, which
we are now completing. We must put into words our discovery of
irreconcilable forces that have lead us to the point of personal
choice--move to harmonize with the greater evolutionary movement made clear during Scorpio's journey or remain in resistance to that movement and give force to the explosive accumulations that will eventually transport those on the transcending path to safety.

Retrograde Saturn has moved into Square with Uranus again, as it
was at the Solar Eclipse. Then Uranus was retrograde and Saturn was
direct. Now Saturn is retrograde and Uranus is direct. Soon both will be
moving forward and we will experience more about the change in form at
every level. Chiron's coming union with Pluto will trigger the healing
needed to release the creative forces of those who choose to actively
participate in our planet's birthing to a higher vibratory rate of
creativity in honor of the Origins of Creativity, Our Creator.

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Astrolight Insight

At Autumnal Equinox the Sun moves into Libra, bringing treasures and
insights from our willingness to honor our relationships with each other
and with our soul forces. We are challenged to respond faithfully to our
inner purpose. During this next four weeks we will come to greater
awareness of our mental activities and whether our thoughts help or hinder
our relationships . We will go to battle with our fears of insufficiency
and catastrophe this month. We will stand up for unity. We will heal the
tendency to blame the other person for the consequences we receive from our own thoughts. With Saturn and Jupiter both Retrograde these challenges to our values and the very foundations we have held as critical will be played out in our mind. The better we can observe and understand these mental activities, the more we will be able to accept today's realities, born of our past thoughts. This equinox brings insights about beauty within and all around us. We seek to attain balance in our personal lives and interactions with others. Fortunately, the fire of the heart burns brightly at this time, helping us to see the living light in ourselves and in each other.

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Astrolight Insights

We each have received the seeds offered to us at the time of the Solar
Eclipse on August 11. As the Sun moves into Virgo, we now actively
searching for the knowledge and experiences which lead to the
identification and nurturing of those seeds. As the newly planted seed,
who finds itself in the dark under the soil silently attracting the energy
needed to manifest life and respond to the impelling force of its creative
nature to the joy of its loving gardener, we, too, are deeply moved. In
the Spirit of Virgo, we commit to guardianship of this light on faith that
the living spirit within the seed will one day manifest its truth. We
accept this stewardship to harmoniously anchor the light to the earth by
further developing and more widely sharing our personal gifts and healing
skills. The operative word is joy; we find joy in the assistance we
receive and in all that we give.

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Astrolight Insights

On the day of the full moon in July, the 28th, there will be a lunar
eclipse with the moon in Aquarius. This phenomenon brings Aquarian
qualities of group interest and inspired change into focus. Because the
Aquarian Moon is in opposition to the Leo Sun at this time, the Leo
qualities of orientation toward personal goals and awareness of our
creative powers also comes into focus. The Lunar Eclipse challenges us to
stop for a moment and take a look at our ability to cooperate with each
other by discovering and supporting our common goals. This lesson in
synthesis of naturally opposing forces will be very valuable in
assimilating and actualizing the possibilities coming with the Solar
Eclipse in two weeks. At that time the truth of our positions on this
Leo-Aquarian line of activity will be revealed when we find the heart to
stand our ground courageously during the Uranian winds of change.

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Astrolight Insight

On the day of the full moon in June, Monday June 28th, Jupiter joins Saturn in Taurus. Jupiter is the energy which activates our Higher Mind and gets us thinking about who or what we put our faith in and what help is
available to us in our search for truth and justice in this life. In
Taurus this energy reveals our positions on truth and justice through what
we value, where we invest our time and resources, and what beauty we see in our lives and our possessions. So look around you and adjust your
circumstances to reflect what you really care about. Get enthusiastic about
who or what you value. Make sure your time and energy is not being wasted elsewhere but that it harmonizes with your personal philosophy of life. Its time to show off your colors!

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 For more information contact: Pearl Foster

Spokane, WA 99203